ARCHERFISH & Crew Sponsor Recruit Company

The Crew of USS ARCHERFISH AGSS311, in conjunction with our Reunion in Chicago, 16SEP99 thru 20SEP99, decided to sponsor a new Recruit Company (now called Recruit Division) at Naval Training Center, Great Lakes. The Recruit Division will carry a USS ARCHERFISH AGSS311 flag throughout their training. We have provided USS ARCHERFISH ballcaps for every member of the training group (and several others...110 in all). As part of our Reunion activities, we will be attending the Recruit Graduation Ceremony, on 17SEP99, at Great Lakes, and wishing our young counterparts "smooth sailing" and a rewarding Navy career. (Ed. note: Eight members of the ARCHERFISH Recruit Division have volunteered for Submarine Duty!)

(Thanks to Shipmate George Hughes, Reunion 99 Coordinator for making this "happen"; thanks to Shipmate Bill "Robby" Roberts for coordinating the ballcap order; thanks to all the Shipmates who supported this activity.)

Recruit Division 340 Commissioning
Presentation of the Company Flag
"You are now commissioned Recruit Division 340". With these words Lt. Todd Hoot passed the division guidon to MMC(SS) Paul Minotti who in turn handed it to guidon bearer Richard D. Godfrey. However, this was not the end of the division's commissioning ceremony. Lt. Hoot told the men they were a special division that was being sponsored by the former crew of the USS ARCHERFISH (AGSS-311). The ARCHERFISH and those who served in her, have a proud history of service to the nation. The recruits would learn that history, from IJN SHINANO, to Seascan, and to her final dive as the target for a Mk 14-5 torpedo fired by the USS SNOOK (SSN-592), insuring our submarines would always put to sea with the best weapons available. (more)

Presentation of the ARCHERFISH Flag
The ARCHERFISH Flag was then passed by MMC(SS) Minotti, a former crew member of USS ARCHERFISH (SSN-678), to guidon bearer Trey L. Speed. (more)


Presentation of ARCHERFISH Ballcaps


Shipmate George Hughes Addresses the Recruits
George Hughes, ETCS(SS), an ARCHERFISH(AGSS-311) crew member thanked the recruits on behalf of his shipmates and all men who served in ARCHERFISH for making the commitment to serve our country courageously and with honor. He encouraged them to work and study hard following the example set forth by their Recruit Division Commanders and instructors so the ARCHERFISH/SEASCAN crewmembers who attend their graduation will be able to share their pride in a job "Well Done". (more)


Presentation of Colors

Rear Admiral Edward J. Fahy, USN,
Dir. of the Plans and Policy Directorate (J5),
United States Transportation Command,
addresses the Graduates
Recruit Choir and Recruit Rifle Drill Team Perform
At the graduation review 50 ARCHERFISH crew members proudly watched as their division passed in review. The music of the recruit choir and band, precision drilling by the state flags and rifle drill teams, and 750 sailors in spotless dress white uniforms brought back that feeling of Navy Pride. With Anchors Aweigh playing, many old sailors looked at the newest sailors through very moist eyes, proving once again that the sailor can leave the Navy, but the Navy stays with that sailor forever. (more)

"Strike up the (Recruit) Band"

Training Division 340 Passes in Review

The new sailors are really the centerpieces of the graduation ceremony. Anyone who has concerns about the youth of our country needs to attend a Recruit Graduation, talk to a Recruit Division Commander, or a Recruit and those concerns will vanish. These are young men and women committed to excellence, willing to courageously serve and bring honor to our country. It is very evident that the staff of the Recruit Training Command is dedicated to the task of training those who will defend our country. The ARCHERFISH crew was proud to play a small part in the making of these sailors by acting as a division sponsor.

Recruit division sponsorship is a very special way to support the young men and women entering our Navy. Many organizations such as professional sports teams, business corporations, and veterans groups like the Submarine Veterans of WWII have become involved in the sponsorship program. The ARCHERFISH/SEASCAN crew sponsorship marks the first time a ship's crew has ever participated. Sponsorship by a ship's crew brings to life the meaning of sailor - crew - Navy, establishing a bond between each generation of sailors. ARCHERFISH crew encourages all submarine crews to seriously consider the sponsorship program to commemorate their boat and inspire future generations of Navy men. Whether these men stay for an enlistment or a career, they will better understand the Navy is an on-going, never ending, organization committed to serving and defending our country. They will also always remember they were part of ARCHERFISH. (end)

More Pictures

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Barracks life


Ready for Inspection Sir

Div. Cmdrs & Petty Officers

Training Div 340

Personnel Inspection



Graduation Day (at last!)

"Pass In Review"

Story by: George Hughes, USS ARCHERFISH (AGSS311), 1960/61
Official pictures: compliments of US Navy, Recruit Training Command
Graduation pictures by: Ken Fleming and Jerry Cornelison , (both) USS ARCHERFISH (AGSS311) , 1967/68

<BGSOUND SRC="grenonin.mid">
Green Onions

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copyright ©1999-2001 by George Hughes & Jerry Cornelison
Last revised: November 09, 2001.