Phase II - Pacific
section - begins on 6FEB61 as ARCHERFISH
passes through the Canal Zone to the Pacific - Balboa,
Canal Zone; San Diego, CA; Pearl Harbor, HI (2);
Yokosuka, Japan (3); Hakodate, Japan; Hong Kong,
B.C.C.; Subic Bay, R.P.I. (2); Bangkok, Thailand;
(Phase II - Indian Ocean section -
begins AUG61 - Singapore,
British Malaya; Penang, British Malaya; Colombo,
Ceylon; Fremantle, Western Australia Phase
II - Indian Ocean section -
ends OCT61.) Sasebo, Japan; Mactan
Island, R.P.I; Cebu City, R.P.I.; Pago Pago,
American Samoa. Phase II ends on 7ARP62
at Pearl.
Phase III - Pacific section - begins on 18APR62
at Pearl - San Francisco, CA
(4); San Diego, CA (4); Pearl Harbor, HI (23);
Midway Island (9); Yokosuka, Japan (9); Portland,
OR (2); Seattle, WA (3); Vancouver, B.C., Canada
(2); Newcastle, Australia; Sydney, Australia (2);
Apra, Guam (6); Kwajalein Island (2); Olympia,
WA; Suva, Fiji; Auckland, New Zealand;
Wellington, New Zealand; Subic Bay, R.P.I.(2);
Hong Kong, B.C.C. (2); Bremerton, WA; Puget
Sound, WA (2); Bangor, WA; Mazatlan, Mexico;
Acapulco, Mexico; Kailua Kona, HI. Phase
III ends on 24JUL67 when the western coast of the
North American Continent is sighted.
Phase IV - Northern section - begins on 24Jul67
when the western coast of the
North American Continent is sighted -
Victoria, B.C. (Esquimalt), Canada; Portland, OR;
San Francisco, CA; San Diego, CA (4); Acapulco,
Mexico; Mazatlan, Mexico. Phase IV -
Northern section ends on 22FEB68 at San Diego.
Phase IV - Southern section is never commenced.
Post Sea Scan - begins on 23FEB68 in San Diego
- Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, CA; San Diego,
17OCT 68 - ARCHERFISH's final resting
place is off the coast of Southern California at
Lat.32-23.0'N & Long.122-58.1'W in 2000
fathoms of water. (The X on the map above marks
Her grave site.)
