


As She was in WWII

During Her Final Commission - 1957 to 1968

Key West 1957 to 1960 / Operation Sea Scan 1960 to 1968

The USS Archerfish (SS/AGSS-311) web site is dedicated to the memory of our Boat and to our Shipmates.

Archerfish and Her Crew were a unique and special combination, the only all bachelor Crew that was ever assembled by our Navy. Together, over a period of eight years, from 1960 to 1968, they fulfilled, beyond all expectations, every requirement of "Operation Sea Scan", a unique and special mission of major importance to the United States.

We are proud to include here pages covering all three commissioning periods of Archerfish, 1943 to 1968. Regardless of when we served aboard our Grand Old Boat, we all were and all remain, Archerfish Sailors. We especially recognize and honor the Archer-Fish (SS-311) Crews. During WWII, they created a history and heritage we were, and continue to be, so very proud of. Without their successes and sacrifices, and those of other crews and submarines like them, we certainly would not be enjoying the prosperity and freedom that we all, too often, take for granted today. "DBF"

The complete history of USS Archerfish (SS/AGSS-311).
Here you will find many pages of pictures, history, stories,
sailing lists, memorial pages, submarine links & more -----

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Archerfish Decklog

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Copyright Information: © 1999-2008 - The contents of this website, including all pictures and printed material, are copyrighted by Gerald L. Cornelison and Kenneth C. Henry (deceased). Permission to use any material from this website may be granted but must be requested, in writing, via e-mail. Contact either party with requests.